Sunday, September 28, 2008

Shana Tova u'Metuka, l'Kulam!

Yom rishon, 28 Elul 5768.    

May the cooling, gentle Shabbat rain be a siman that Hashem has so much bracha for the year 5769 that He is giving us an early taste of overflowing blessings to come.  May this year be a year of simcha, spiritual growth, success, and good health for Klal Yisrael, here in this Holiest of Lands, and everywhere in His world.


To our new friends --

We have now lived here for nearly a year. If we were to make a slogan about the Neve Daniel kehilla, based upon our experiences here, it would be "Always Ready to Help a Jew."

People to whom we give rides say that Neve Daniel residents are famous for offering rides more frequently than any other community.

Whether you need a date, a beer (not for your date), an Ace bandage or a mini-trampoline -- you can usually receive offers for several within minutes of posting to one of the on-line lists.

And if you need to know the wind speed, where to get a Canadian passport, or how to say "chicken pox" in Tamil or Sinhala, you can get the answer from one of the residents.

We love this town!  

May each and every resident have a 5769 filled with simcha, bracha, spiritual growth, and success -- in good health! (Next year, bs"d, we'll be able to say this b'Ivrit.)

With love, from Ruti, Avi, Aryeh and Dani


Baila said...


and may you and your family have Ketiva Vachatima Tova, and a sweet, blessed year.

rutimizrachi said...

Thank you, dear lady. Gam lachem!

Schvach said...

Hello Ruti:
First, a Shana Tova to you and your family, and mazel tov on your aliyah
(was it through Nefesh B'Nefesh?).

Second, I think your blogs are spectacular! May I list your blog site on my blog site's blog roll at:

rutimizrachi said...

Schvach: Well, YOU know how to make a lady's day! Thanks for the headline. We were semi-attached to NBN, as we came during "Student Week." A pleasure to meet you. (Though after your Palin commentary, we'll be meeting in groups.) Shana tova to you and yours!

aliyah06 said...

Shana tova!