Sunday, May 24, 2009

Yishuv Car Pool

Yom rishon, 1Sivan 5769, Rosh Chodesh.

Haveil Haveilim (No Number, No Name Edition) appears at Benji's place, "What War Zone???".  B'ima sheli!  Benji can be funny; but if you feed him chumous, he can be convinced to just sit quietly and behave.  Here, Benji!  Sit, boy!  Sit!


sparrow said...

What a great set of pictures with a very witty caption. I can just hear all the kids chattering as they come out!

rutimizrachi said...

Back in Baltimore, car pool was such a way of life that I expected each family to be issued a station wagon or mini-van upon arrival to the city.

A small-town girl at heart, I am very happy to be able to walk my entire town, rather than drive it.