Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Happy Birthday, RivkA.

Yom chamishi, 4 Adar 5770.

You really ask so little.  All you asked for as a birthday present was a favorite story involving you.  The problem is that I don't have one.  I only have your smile.

We had been corresponding anonymously for a while, due to your remarkable attitude and writing on your notable blog, Coffee and Chemo.  When we met for the first time at the first J-Bloggers' Convention -- may we meet at many more! -- you smiled that amazing smile.  It said, "Hi, friend.  Good to see you again."  I felt like we had know each other forever -- at least since Har Sinai.

Every time I have seen you since -- at the Second Annual J-Bloggers' Convention; at the J-Bloggers' Picnic in Gan Sachar; and the special surprise of seeing you at my dear friend's daughter's bat mitzvah!  (Who knew you were her auntie???) -- you have bestowed upon me that special RivkA smile.


We're all one entity.

We can get through whatever @#%! the world throws at us, as long as we do it together.

That's what that smile says.  (Would that we Jews could ALL give each other that encouraging smile!)

That smile, my dear RivkA, is the only present I want from you for my birthday, for the next 76 years.  Do your best, okay?




RivkA with a capital A said...

Ruti, you are so sweet!! Thank you!!

I guess we need to hang out some more, so next year you'll have what to write (though I'm not sure what I'll ask for next year...)

Val said...

aw... so sweet and honest. love it!

Ye'he Sh'mey Raba Mevorach said...

YOU GOT HER! Glad I didn't advertise my birthday (Jewish one, that I celebrate). You had a great post then, too. :)

sparrow said...

Wonderful to see Rivkah's photo. Happy Birthday Brave Lady - may you have many more. Love from Kiwiland